Category Archives: Podcast

Theology of the Body and Sweaty Dancing

PhillyThis week on the big show, our intrepid reporter attends the National Catholic Singles Conference in Philadelphia.
He conducts Catholic-on-the-street interviews, gets people’s impressions from the conference, and investigates the Theology of Dance.  It’s more Catholic fun than a Papal Conclave!

The Best of JOE’S PEOPLE: An Angel to Light a Dark Path

Gina Sanchez-001This week on the big show, I talk with my friend Gina Sanchez, a nurse who works with children with cancer.  She talks about her calling to do this work, and how we face the end of our earthly life and prepare for the next world.  What are our 5 biggest regrets at the end of life?  I also have Sam and Dolores on to lighten things up a little bit.

‘Single’ isn’t a Four Letter Word!



Tonight on the big show, Joe welcomes his good friend, Catholic media expert Anastasia Northrop.  They talk about Eastern Rite Catholicism, why the word ‘single’ isn’t a dirty word, and why she started the National Catholic Singles Conference. It’s not cafeteria Catholicism. This is four-course-sit-down-dinner Catholicism!

Taking Rides with Strangers in Paris: A Good Idea?

Suzanne and RuthThis week on the big show, Suzanne Miller joins Joe as co-host.  She’s buff and healthy, and she talks about burning fat with Theology of the Body.  Then, our good friend Ruth Walsh is our guest.  She talks about growing up in a family of 9, her faith journey, starting her own business, and her world adventures.  It’s another episode of in-your-face Catholicism, delivered with a side helping of Love.

The Best of JOE’S PEOPLE: Demons, Exorcism, and Mystic Healers

Sound of SubstanceOne of my most interesting interviews.  I talk with my people, the band Sound of Substance: Chris and Thomas Sierra, and Erik Rhine.  Chris opens up about his prodigal life before dedicating himself to the Lord.  We talk about demons, exorcism, hermits, and mystic healers.  We finish up with a rockin’ tune by the band in studio.

From Wall Street Go-Getter to Working for God

Lizzie with Attitude

This week on the big show, Joe and his good friend James trade some of their usual witty banter, and talk about the way to true happiness.  Then Joe’s friend Elizabeth Lange joins them to talk about her journey from track star to Wall Street to working for God.  It’s another installment of in-your-face Catholicism, served up with a side of love.

Do Catholics Hate Science and Reason?


Joe discusses the interplay of faith and reason with his friend Tania Pena, a doctoral student in Biology and fervent Catholic who teaches evolution at UT Austin.  Joe Morse and Gina Sanchez also make an appearance to stir up trouble.  More fun than a barrel of monkeys! (Artist sketch of Charles Darwin as a monkey courtesy WikiCommons).

Harvesting Organs, Stem Cells, Cloning, and In-Vitro Fertilization

Hippocrates_rubensThis week, we tackle some serious and controversial ethical topics. First Joe laughs it up with his good friend and co-host Joe Morse. Then Gina Sanchez, a nurse specializing in treating cancer patients near end of life, returns to talk about Bioethics. We talk about when it is ethical to harvest organs, determining time of death, stem cell research, cloning, and in-vitro fertilization. It’s a very thought-provoking, and discussion-provoking installment of Joe’s People!


Cross-fit, Catholic sexuality, and Conversion

Suzanne and Lino

Tonight on the big show, Joe laughs it up with his good friend and co-host James Kuhr.  Then they interview one of Joe’s convert People, Suzanne Miller.  Suzanne talks about growing up Evangelical, becoming agnostic, and her road to Catholicism.  We also talk Catholic sexuality, and her views on Theology of the Body, health and fitness.  It’s another must-listen webisode of podcathing! (Lino Rulli does not appear in this episode or endorse my podcast in any way).

Sarah takes care of the Poor. Also, Single Catholic girls on the prowl!


Me James and Sarah Rose

One of my married people, Sara Rose, joins us and talks about growing up in a very Catholic family, studying at Loyola and St. Edwards, and working for Catholic Charities, taking care of the poor.  And Suzanne, James, and I banter about single Catholic girls being especially open to husbands right now.  And we talk ad nauseam about dating and signals.  Also, there’s a toddler loose in the studio.