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It’s all coming together!! First podcast recording coming up!!

OK, I’ve lined up two amazing and beautiful ladies to interview as my first guests.
Another very photogenic young lady and my friend Arlen will join me to discuss Sacred Poetry.
We have musicians ready to go. The JOE’s PEOPLE logo is looking awesome, thanks to Sabrina Vega!

We still have to finalize a location for recording where we can have a small audience and decent
acoustics, but it’s all coming together.

First podcast recording targeted for March 2nd, possibly will slip to Sat March 9th. We do some
editing, and then it goes live on the interweb at 8pm the next day.

Making of the “Joe’s People” Theme Song

So I wrote the lyrics and starting beat and melody for our theme song. Katie Holmes, my favorite local swing singer/fiddle player/swing dancer, worked her magic on it and made it hum. My good friend Paul was nice enough to let us use his studio and work the sound mixing. Katie’s friend Jake played the snare drum, and Paul’s friend Mike backed up on the bass.

I should have gotten video and pictures for a Behind the Music special, sorry.