The Hands of the King are soft and fair; They never knew labors stain. The hands of the Robber redly wear The bloody brand of Cain. But the hands of the Man are hard and scarred With the scars of toil and pain. The slaves of Pilate have washed his hands As white as a king's may be. Barabbas with wrists unfettered stands, For the world has made him free. But thy palms toil-worn by nails are torn, O Christ, on Calvary! --James Jeffrey Roche
Author Archives: Joe Geisler

Demons, Exorcism, Mystic Healers
I talk with my people, the band Sound of Substance: Chris and Thomas Sierra, and Erik Rhine. Chris opens up about his prodigal life before dedicating himself to the Lord. We talk about demons, exorcism, hermits, and mystic healers. We finish up with a rockin’ tune by the band in studio.
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Poem for Discussion: “The Way of the Cross”
We’ll be discussing this poem in an upcoming podcast. I thought I’d put it out there for discussion ahead of time, since we’re closing in on Holy Week. It’s an exercise for the reader to make a connection with Lent.
“The Way of the Cross”
Along the dark aisles
Of a chapel dim,
The little lame girl
Drags her withered limb.
And all alone she searches
The shadows on the walls,
To find the three pictures
Where Jesus falls.
Does Visiting our Website Count as a Pilgrimage?
The good news: Our webhost server is valid as a pilgrimage web site.
The bad news: Your computer or web-enabled device receives the plenary indulgence, NOT YOU!
Catholic-on-the-Street Interview: Reaction to recent Momentous Catholic Events
Our fearless roving reporter doing a Catholic-on-the-street interview to get the scoop on how the recent momentous events will reverberate through the entire church. I interview a Johnny Lunchbucket who just happens to be loitering outside the Cathedral. Also, apparently there’s a new Pope.
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Your Host and his co-chost
Joe Geisler (your host)
Joe is a Catholic engineer, entrepreneur, world-traveler, swing dancer, and man-about-town. A raconteur, if you will. He’s from a big fat German (or Austrian) Catholic family. He’s spent a bit too much time reading Latin and Greek writers, not enough reading C.S. Lewis and G.K. Chesterton. Some have called him a visionary.
Sam Higgins (2nd banana) 
Sam is a shady angry loner. He’s currently studying transportation engineering at UT Austin and is sometimes distracted by shiny bits of glass. He’s read extensively in theology and philosophy, including C.S. Lewis, and did a year stint at NET Ministries. He’s fortunate enough to be one of Joe’s close friends.

Inside the Christian Actresses Studio
Angela Harger 
Angela is an actress and artist based in Austin,Texas. Like all good actresses, she works in the food service industry to pay her rent while she waits for her big break. She has enjoyed working on independent film sets, national commercials (she appeared for two seconds in a recent Superbowl commercial), and you may have heard her voice in a few radio spots. She is a pro-life, Jesus loving, Hollywood bound actress. Would you like fries with that?
Here’s a sample of Angela’s work.
Sabrina Blackwell
Sabrina owns her own graphic design business, is active in the pro-life and Catholic Young adult circles in Austin, loves dancing, musical theatre, cooking, red wine, and is a crazy cat lady. She can quote just about every song from just about every Disney movie. Here is some of Sabrina’s work.
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Motivation for “Joe’s People”
I’m going to post this as a permalink, but I wanted to share my motivation for the podcast/website. Forgive the formatting, the wordpress formatter is even worse than Word:
Motivation: Why do I want to do this?
- I want to tell the stories, mainly about the Catholic community, that need to be told
- I want to show how Catholics live out their faith in Austin (the interesting ones, at least)
- Discover and share insights from the Saints. Got a problem? They’ve already written about it 500 years before you were born. We try to reinvent the spiritual wheel a bit much.
- This is one of my ways of tithing (unless it generates a cash stream)
- I want to shine a light on the 1/3 of the church that is single in a church that counts its parish sizes in “families”.
- I want to help foster a sense of community
- I want to share with my family what the heck I do in Austin, and introduce all the amazing people I’ve been blessed to get to know in my years here.
First podcast title, just spitballing ideas here…
Maybe “Inside the Christian Actresses Studio”? What do you think of Thomistic theology? What’s your favorite sound?
It’s all coming together!! First podcast recording coming up!!
OK, I’ve lined up two amazing and beautiful ladies to interview as my first guests.
Another very photogenic young lady and my friend Arlen will join me to discuss Sacred Poetry.
We have musicians ready to go. The JOE’s PEOPLE logo is looking awesome, thanks to Sabrina Vega!
We still have to finalize a location for recording where we can have a small audience and decent
acoustics, but it’s all coming together.
First podcast recording targeted for March 2nd, possibly will slip to Sat March 9th. We do some
editing, and then it goes live on the interweb at 8pm the next day.