Joe\'s People PodcastOctavia and Jordan

Tonight on the big show, Joe laughs it up with his co-host Sam Higgins.  They talk about Sam reproducing and about Catholic families being building blocks of the church.  Then Joe interviews his friend Octavia.  They talk about Christmas parties, Jordan Peterson’s Book, “12 Rules for Life”, and cleaning up your room.  It’s more fun than […]

Joe\'s People PodcastKate Comes Home

Tonight on the big show, Joe welcomes back his good friend Sam Higgins as co-host.  They banter about judging people.  Then Joe interviews his friend Kate about being a native Austinite and her conversion journey.  It’s more Catholic fun than a Sunday in Ordinary Time! Play in new window | Download

Joe\'s People PodcastCatholic and Green

This time on the big show, Joe laughs it up with his good friend Jane.  They banter about what they gave up for Lent, and Austin getting an auxiliary Bishop.  Then Joe’s good friend Jennifer Lasseter joins them to discuss being a Catholic and an environmental engineer.  It’s more fun than a papal airplane interview! […]

Joe\'s People PodcastDon’t Worry, Be Happy!

Tonight on the big show, Joe laughs it up with his bestie, Sam Higgins.  They banter about the Pope falling down in Mexico and their Lenten experiences.  Then Liz Heuertz stops by to talk about her job as a licensed professional counselor.  Joe’s People: It’s at the intersection of Catholic and Happy! Play in new window […]

Joe\'s People PodcastSwinging Green Catholic

This week Joe laughs it up with his good buddy Brian Lasseter and talks with the man who got him swing dancing.  Plus we talk about the Pope and being a Green Catholic.  It’s more Catholicism than you can shake a stick at! Play in new window | Download

← Older Podcasts

Mary, my Youtuber Friend

This week on the big show, Joe welcomes his good friend Lizzie Dunn as co-host.  They banter about Joe’s ancestry, Lizzie’s nurse career, and Sean Connery.  Also, Joe makes a shameless plug about his new website and store, The Discerning Catholic, with quality Catholic products at very reasonable prices right here: Then, they’re joined […]

The JOE’S PEOPLE store on Amazon is open for business!

Rather than spending money on morally-neutral merchandise, why not buy soul-building books, movies, music, and Catholic items?  We’ve opened the JOE’S PEOPLE store to supply you with all the Catholic books that I actually read, recommend, and discuss on the big show.  We also feature some of the movies closest to my heart, some of […]

Angela Making a Pilgrimage

Our friend Angela will be traveling to the Holy Land soon and could use some support in prayers and donations.  From one of our favorite Christian actresses: Here is what I will be doing: I am so excited to announce that I will be traveling to Israel in February on an Adventure of Love! I […]

Eric Genuis Concert on Oct 25th at 7pm

JOE’S PEOPLE and the Schoenstatt Movement of Austin present An Evening of Classical Music with Eric Genuis.  Join us for an AMAZING evening of classical music and inspiration, and support the effort to build the first Shrine for Mary in Austin! Eric Genuis is a world-renowned pianist and composer who expresses the beauty of the […]


My listeners across the UK.  I do like the idea of the Brits listening in to the podcast, saying “Yes, I rather quite like this Yank.”

National Catholic Singles Conference is Sep 27-29th in Philly!

The National Catholic Singles Conference is coming up September 27-29th. Join over 500 single Catholics at the 12th NCSC! Guest presenters include internationally known speakers: Byzantine Catholic priest, artist and iconographer, Fr. Thomas Loya; Damon Owens, Director of the TOB Institute; Emily Stimpson, author of The Catholic Girl’s Survival Guide to the Single Years; Daniel Mattson, […]